Keith Haring - adapted from the Deep Space Sparkle blog art lesson and The Keith Haring kids website by Pam Wilkinson
- Go over the Keith Haring biography http://www.haringkids.com/lessons/envs/live/htdocs/khbio.htm I added a few more facts. 1. Even at age 1 years old, Keith would draw with crayons. 2. Keith loved Walt Disney, Dr. Suess, and Charles Schultz's cartoons (especially Charlie Brown). 3. His subway drawings were done with chalk. He started with pyramids, flying saucers, human figures, winged figures, television sets, animals and babies. 4. Kieth would add rays all around with drawing figures. This became his signature.
- If possible, have the teacher go to the Keith Haring kids website, http://www.haringkids.com/master_k_life.htm and click on the art link to show some of his work (posters) and flipbooks (the kids loved this). Or go to http://www.keithharingart.com/ to print out some examples before the lesson or have the teacher show some work using their computer/overhead. You might also want to show the kids some picture of the artist http://www.haringkids.com/master_k_life.htm under the Keith link, snapshots/funny friends.
- Supplies- white paper and markers
- Using the example from Deep Space Sparkle blog, have the students create action figures drawing. Show them an example of creating the simple action figures. http://deepspacesparkle.blogspot.com/2008/04/keith-haring-rocks.html
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